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Conditions of Use

General Conditions

Property of the Web

All the rights of intellectual property of the content of this page Web, its graphical design and its source codes, are exclusive titularidad of, corresponding to us the exclusive exercise of the rights of operation of such.

The technical images of products as well as their descriptions and other details have been facilitated by their manufacturers or, in their defect, by the importers or wholesale distributors.

Therefore it is prohibited its reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation, total or partisan, without the express authorization of

All the commercial names, marks or contained signs different from any class in this Web are protected by law.

Content of the Web

The contents and images that appear in the Web have been elaborated directly by or, provided by the proprietors of these contents. In case it is not thus, is committed to detail to its place of origin and his © Copyright (in case of having it) and to retire them if the proprietor therefore asks for it.

In we did not take responsibility badly of the use that is made of the contents of our page Web, being exclusive responsibility of the person who accedes to them or she uses them.

We either did not assume any responsibility by the information contained in the pages Web of third a those that can be acceded by connections or finders from the page Web

Interchange or information dissemination

Some sections of our Web allow the insertion of commentaries, texts or images on the part of our users. declines all responsibility by effects of intellectual property or the use of these sections on the part of the users and of the information or images that can transmit through our page Web.

Updates and modifications reserves the right to update, to modify or to eliminate the information contained in its web site, and the configuration or presentation of the same one, at any time, without previous warning, and assuming responsibility some for that reason.

Indications on technical aspects

In we did not assume any responsibility that can be derived from technical problems or failures in the computer science equipment, nonimputable to our Web, that takes place during the connection to the network of Internet, as well as of damages that could be caused by third people by means of interferences ilegítimas outside the control of

Also we were exonerated of all responsibility before possible damages or damages that can undergo the user as a result of errors, defects or omissions in the information that we facilitate when it comes from sources other peoples to us.

Information and guarantees of supplied products

The descriptions of products exposed here, as well as their details of manufacture, benefits, characteristics, colors and other information are facilitated by the manufacturer of the product, reason why does not assume any responsibility by descriptions that do not correspond with the reality.

The defects or flaws due to an incorrect use or manipulation of the material or the wearing downs produced by a normal use of the same one, are not included in this guarantee.

The decreases in the functionality of articles, which had to the limitations of conception of such, also are excluded from the cover of this guarantee.

Limitation of responsibility does not become person in charge of the actions derived to the activities outside the scope of the Web.

Applicable legislation and jurisdiction

With general character, the relations with our clients, who derive themselves from the benefit of the services contained in our Web, are put under the legislation and the jurisdiction of the Argentine Republic.

The users of our Web have read all the exposed one and they accept it voluntarily.


Before any doubt or suggestion with respect to the conditions of use of our Web site, you do not doubt in consulting to us by means of the contact Link.

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